Freudenberg Sealing Technologies which manufactures seals for the food and beverage sector has appointed Dichtomatik UK Ltd as exclusive distributor to that sector in the UK. As the company is a part of Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, this allows local support and availability to UK customers, resulting in shorter delivery times and higher service levels.
As the official UK representative, Dichtomatik UK is now the exclusive source for Freudenberg food and beverage sealing solutions, providing the full range from its purpose-built, fully automated warehouse in Derby. The distributor is also providing technical support and customer service to the UK market.
Critical factor
Whenever hygiene is a critical factor, Freudenberg offers special product solutions like dead-space-free seals and certified elastomeric and plastic materials that conform to FDA and EU regulations regarding food safety.
Among current examples of the solutions offered is the Hygienic Usit® washer, which makes hygienic screw connections possible as it offers a sealing design that prevents the formation of a breeding ground for bacteria under the screw head.
The Hygienic Usit hermetically closes off the area between the screw head and the surface, using geometry that guarantees excellent cleanability of the connection. The Hygienic Usit is available in three different material variants that comply with all industry specific legal regulations and withstand CIP-/SIP cleaning processes as well as demanding process media and conditions.